08:00 Approx. hoursㅤ240  EUR

240 EUR

West Tour - Porto Moniz PRIVATE

The excursion begins towards Câmara de Lobos (fishing village where the famous swordfish fish). Afterwards, you will pass by Cabo Girão (highest cliff in Europe with 580 meters offering a magnificent view of the sea, Câmara de Lobos and Funchal). We continue to travel along the coast, all the way to Ribeira Brava. We starte going upwards through Encumeada to the plateau of Paúl da Serra (1400 meters). We then descent to Porto Moniz where you can admire the natural pools. Stop for lunch (lunch not included). Then, we return through the north coast passing Seixal and São Vicente. Our tour ends with the return to the hotel.

Route: Câmara de Lobos, Cabo Girão, Ribeira Brava, Encumeada, Paul da Serra, Porto Moniz, Seixal, São Vicente.

Optional lunch: € 17,00 /per person.

Price per car | Maximum capacity 4 people

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Selected Passengers: 2